Are you a fish enthusiast who wants to breed your own fish? You’ve come to the right place.
Here, we will analyze and look at some of the best fish species that are best used for breeding in aquariums, as well as look at some of the specifics and features of each species to see if they are suitable for you.
Fish breeding at home is not difficult, especially if the species is better suited to breeding at home. However, you must first determine which fish are suitable for breeding, as well as some of the specifics of breeding each fish.
As a result, I will assist you with that. If you are a beginner, it can be a little overwhelming; as I previously stated, it is not complicated, but each fish has its own needs that you must respect.
Some fish are better suited to breeding than others; for example, guppies are among the best fish to breed at home, whereas others aren’t.
What you do with the fish after breeding is entirely up to you; some people keep them for personal use, while others sell them for a profit. Whatever your reason, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Most Profitable Fish To Breed For Profit In 2023
Best Profitable Fish To Breed For Profit In 2023 | |||
No | Fish Name | Breeding Level | Average Price Range |
1 | Guppies | Easy | $30 – $60 |
2 | Angelfish | Easy | $17 – $25 |
3 | Dwarf Cichlids | Easy | $17 – $60 |
4 | Kribensis | Easy | $9 – $15 |
5 | Corydoras | Easy | $3 – $10 |
6 | Goldfish | Relative Difficult | $5 – $30 |
7 | Mollies | Easy | $2- $4 |
8 | Plecos | Easy | $5 – $30 |
9 | Discus Fish | Relative Difficult | $20 – $170 |
10 | Electric Blue Ram | Relative Difficult | $7 – $13 |
11 | Black Mollies | Easy | $2 – $20 |
12 | Betta Fish | Moderate | $2 – $30 |
13 | Endler’s | Easy | $3 – $5 |
14 | Platy Fish | Easy | $2 – $4 |
15 | Swordtail Fish | Easy | $0,5 – $4 |
16 | Least Killifish | Easy | $12 |
17 | Zebra Danios | Easy | $0,5 – $5 |
18 | Bristlenose Pleco | Easy | $5 – $20 |
Guppies are among the most popular fish in the trade, which means that pet stores are constantly buying and breeders are constantly selling. Unfortunately, guppies aren’t very expensive.
Still, if you sell 1,000 or more guppies per month, you will be able to support your fish-keeping hobby. You might even be able to make money.
While 1,000 guppies may appear to be a large number, guppies breed easily, and female guppies have a large number of babies.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $30 – $60
Angelfish are easy to breed because they are such good parents. Angelfish protect and raise their young, unlike other fish, which eat their eggs and babies (fry).
Nonetheless, you should separate angelfish from their babies every six to eight weeks to encourage them to spawn again.
The cheapest way to buy a burger is to eat it at a fast-food restaurant.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $17 – $25
Cichlids (dwarf cichlids)
When possible, keep breeding pairs in tanks that can house multiple species. Angelfish, for example, can coexist with dwarf cichlids.
While angelfish will happily breed on a slate rock or a terra cotta piece, dwarf cichlids will spawn in the same tank’s cave.
This means that you can sell angelfish as well as dwarf cichlids to your local aquarium.
Dwarf cichlids are profitable, selling for $25 to $50 per fish.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $17 – $60
Kribensis (kribs) are easy-to-breed cichlids that lay eggs in caves and raise their fry until they are old enough to attend school. They are extremely protective, so you won’t have to do much work to catch them, and they sell for $10 to $20 per fish.
The shell-dwelling cichlid Neolamprologus multifasciatus, also known as Neos or Multies, has a lot of personality. They raise their young in shells, and once caught, you can sell them for $9 to $15 each.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $9 – $15
Corydoras, also known as cory catfish, can be kept in a community tank alongside angelfish and dwarf cichlids.
Bottom-dwellers have a unique breeding process. A tank with breeding angelfish, dwarf cichlids, and corydoras could be extremely profitable.
Consider a single breeding session that yields 50 angelfish, ten dwarf cichlids, and ten corydoras.
If you sell all of these fish, you could earn more than $500 per breeding cycle.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $3 – $10
Popular fish, such as fancy goldfish, are always a good idea to breed because people will buy them! Even so, breeding and raising goldfish takes time.
If you want to sell your goldfish for a good price, you must keep them for a while and watch them grow big and strong.
You could build a reputation as a dependable goldfish breeder over time and start making money, but goldfish breeding is not as simple as it sounds.
Breeding Level: Relative Difficult
Average Price Range: $5- $30
On the other hand, Molly babies grow quickly and will be ready to sell in just a few months. You won’t have to worry about eggs because mollies are live-bearing fish.
When it comes to mollies, keep three to four females for every male. Otherwise, the male could literally die in love with the female.
Mollies will mate indefinitely if the ratio is correct. They sell for $2 to $4 each, so you could make a good side income.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $2- $4
Bristlenose Plecos
Bristlenose plecos are incredibly simple to breed. Simply put one female and two males in a cave tank, and you won’t have to worry about anything else.
The fish will breed and raise their young entirely within their caves, and males will fiercely protect their offspring.
When baby plecos emerge from their caves, simply scoop them up, let them grow in a separate breeding tank, and sell them for around $5 each.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $5 – $30
Discus Fish
Keeping and breeding discus fish is a difficult task. This fish is not suitable for beginners. One of the main reasons is that the discus is a very intelligent fish. Furthermore, breeding them requires a significant amount of effort.
We have kept discus on this list due to its profitability.If you can keep discus fries alive in any case, you can make a lot of money selling them.
However, the price of discus is dependent on the types of discus, market demand, availability in the market, maintenance required to breed, quality of the fish, size of the fish, and color pattern.
Aside from that, there are numerous discus varieties from which to breed. Common types include Cobalt Blue, Pigeon Blood Discus, Rose Red Discus, Mercury Discus, Blue Diamond Discus, and Red Malboro Discus. In the current market, their prices range from $20 to $170.
If you are looking for a unique way to express yourself, this is the place to be. It is required; otherwise, the fries will be stressed. Do check the water parameters every day.
Two weeks later, you must transfer those fries into a bigger tank. Every day, 50% of the water must be changed, and the baby discus must be fed four times.
Breeding Level: Relative Difficult
Average Price Range: $20- $170
Electric Blue Ram
According to experts, breeding an electric blue ram is difficult. They require proper breeding equipment as well as proper care for the fry.
It is difficult to establish an electric blue ram fishery. It is preferable to buy a group of juvenile rams and assist them in bonding. They will form their own pairs, which will aid in the breeding process.
Electric blue ram cichlids are monogamous, as you probably already know. Both fish have the potential to be active parents. However, if you want to get quality fish, you should pick your pairs carefully. You must include some flat stones or slates in your breeding setup. Rams prefer to dig substrate during the breeding season.As a result, you must include that type of substrate. Soft water is also required for breeding.
Breeding Level: Relative Difficult
Average Price Range: $7 – $13
Black Mollies
Breeding black mollies is simple and suitable for beginners. Hobbyists only need suitable water conditions, such as temperature and aeration, to breed black mollies.
Black mollies, like the balloon belly molly, are extremely popular. You can make money if you successfully breed black mollies. Because the prices are not very high, you must sell them in bulk to make a good profit.
Because black mollies are livebearers, you can easily identify a pregnant molly by observing its distended belly. Molly fries must be ordered within 3–5 weeks.
Before you can begin breeding, you must first construct a nursery tank. You must place the pregnant woman in this tank. Males may bother her otherwise.It stresses out the female mole.
Female Molly can also eat her own fries. As a result, you must pay close attention to her. You must place her in the mother tank after a few days. Only black molly fries should be kept in the breeder tank.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $2 – $20
Betta Fish
Betta fish breeding is not difficult, but for beginners who do not know the proper technique, it may appear difficult.
Betta is a fighter. So, unlike other fish, you cannot keep male and female Betta together. If you do this unknowingly, the male betta may begin chasing the female betta.
If you notice your male betta making a bubble nest, this indicates that he is interested in mating. You must introduce him to a breeding tank at that time.
The breeding tank should be filled with black water. Floating plants and Indian almond leaves should be abundant in the tank. Male betta will feel at ease and begin to build a bubble nest beneath those plants.
After a few days, you must place the female Betta in the glass-encased breeding tank. The glass should be clear enough for the male betta to see her. After a few days, remove the glass, and they will begin breeding activity in general.
Betta fish are extremely popular, and if you can successfully breed them, you can make a lot of money by selling them. However, make a large number of glass jars ahead of time to separate the betta fries.
Breeding Level: Moderate
Average Price Range: $2 – $30
Endler’s livebearers are a unique breed of guppies that are also excellent breeders. In the right conditions, they will easily reproduce. You may need to get a separate tank for breeding endlers as well.
It is essential that you put only Endler’s guppies in it because they can mix with other types of guppies. Because they are a relatively rare species, it is best to keep only one endler in the tank.
It is best to have more females than males in your tank, with a good ratio of three females to one male. The females will be less stressed as a result of the mating efforts and attention.
When the eggs hatch, place the babies in a separate tank and raise them there. This will help to avoid cannibalism, which can occur. A separate tank with vegetation and flake food is required to raise the fry.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $3 – $5
Platy Fish
The platy fish is next on the list. These are also known as very prolific breeders. In this regard, they are not dissimilar to guppies and mollies.
They are ready to reproduce even without your explicit encouragement. They, too, are livebearers, like guppy and molly.
What you should do is put some males and females in the same tank and provide ideal breeding conditions, which include maintaining the proper water temperature and cleanliness.
They will begin breeding when they are mature, which is around 4 months. Female platy fish are larger than males when they reach maturity.
When breeding, keep the fry and grow them in a separate tank. This will keep the baby fish from being eaten.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $2 – $4
Swordtail Fish
The swordtail fish is a lovely fish to keep in your tank. They are not demanding and do not take up a lot of your time, but they are very active breeders.
Livebearers are swordtail fish. The swordtail fish, like the previous fish on this list, will breed actively without any major intervention from the owner.
They are also similar to other fish on this list in that they tend to eat the fry they produce, so either put the fry in a separate breeding tank and grow them there, or make sure your tank has plenty of vegetation where the fry can hide.
The first action is likely to be more efficient and will allow you to grow a greater number of fish.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $0,5 – $4
Least Killifish
Lesser killifish are excellent breeding fish. The least killifish, also known as Heterandria formosa, will reproduce under the right tank conditions.
They start reproducing as they mature, and you will know when the females start to drop eggs that they have reproduced.
Most of the time, the least killifish don’t pose a threat to the young fish, but it could happen.
As a result, putting them in a separate container may be a better option, but the newborn fish are relatively large, so you won’t have to worry too much about that.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $12
Zebra Danios
Zebra danios are regarded as an excellent breeding species for beginners. These fish will breed on their own in the wild. To allow the fish to grow, all you need to do is provide a breeding tank of about 10 gallons with temperatures around 71 degrees Fahrenheit.
The fish (male and female) should be kept together in a separate tank with the proper conditions. You should feed them high-quality foods, and the females will round out in two weeks, indicating that they have eggs inside them.
After the eggs hatch, you should separate the parents to prevent them from feeding on and frying the eggs.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $0,5 – $5
Bristlenose Pleco
Bristlenose plecos are fairly easy to breed.
However, there are some things you should know before you begin breeding.
You will need a separate breeding tank because the eggs and fry are unlikely to survive in a community tank.
Another important factor to consider is that the fish prefer to breed in the winter in their natural habitat, which means you should provide cooler breeding conditions.
Make sure there are enough caves and hiding places for breeding.
Males and females must obviously be combined. It is preferable to have only one male, as they may fight over females.
You can have small bristlenose plecos in a matter of weeks. They can take up to 6 months to mature.
Breeding Level: Easy
Average Price Range: $5 – $20
How to Profitably Breed Aquarium Fish
Because fish keeping can be an expensive hobby, many aquarists wonder if they can make money by breeding aquarium fish. We’ve compiled the most important information you need to know about the best fish to breed, what supplies to buy, and how to sell them based on our experiences running a fish store, speaking with many fish breeders, and personally breeding fish to sell.
Can you make money breeding fish?
The reality is that selling fish from home as a full-time job is not a very profitable venture, and most other jobs pay more for the same amount of time and effort. Fish farms produce millions of fish while making pitiful profits by selling them for less than a dollar each. Having said that, breeding fish as a side hustle is a great way to supplement your aquarium hobby expenses. The goal is to be profitable and not lose money, so our first tip is to not invest too much money in this project. Begin small and avoid purchasing a large number of tanks and equipment at first. You must first eliminate any potential problems, such as how to get your fish to breed, whether or not people will buy your fish, and so on.
What should I buy to start breeding fish?
Most small, profitable fish can be easily bred in a 10- or 20-gallon tank, so let’s start with a 20-gallon tank, heater, filter, and a variety of guppies. If you have a growing colony and can sell 50 guppies for $50 each month, you will earn $25 per month. How do you boost your profit? Rather than purchasing another tank (and additional equipment) to raise more guppies, let’s figure out how to make more money with the same tank.
One idea is to include a plant for sale. Java moss is an excellent candidate because it not only grows easily but also serves a dual purpose by providing cover for your guppy fry and increasing their survival rate. Because java moss grows slowly, local fish stores typically run out of it, so you might be able to sell a bucketful of it for $20 per month. You can breed other species, such as red cherry shrimp, by adding java moss to the breeding tank. Start with a high-quality stock, and you could sell 25 shrimp per month for $1. With only one aquarium, your total monthly revenue is $70, or $840 per year.
People can set up an aquarium like yours and buy more than one product from you if you breed complementary species in the same tank. Angelfish and corydoras are two other possible combinations for a single breeding tank, as are Apistogramma cichlids and Java moss. Diversifying your offerings also allows you to continue making money even if one of your species isn’t in demand. If your local fish store is out of guppies, you can still feed them cherry shrimp and java moss.
What Are the Operational Costs for Breeding Fish?
You don’t want to keep adding new aquarium setups (even if the equipment is free) because each tank costs money to run every month. For now, let’s ignore certain costs like the mortgage or rent on your home and gas money to deliver fish. Get your electricity and water bills to see how much each kilowatt of energy and gallon of water costs. Also, keep track of how much time you spend maintaining the aquarium. Then, overestimate the cost of running each tank.
For example, suppose you pay $10 per month for power, water, and food for one fish tank. You also work with the tank for 2 hours per month (at a rate of $15 per hour), for a total of $30 per month. As a result, from a $40 investment to a $70 revenue, you are nearly doubling your money every month. Plus, you’ve already factored in the cost of paying yourself, so one day you’ll be able to hire someone to help maintain the tanks so you can focus on growing your business. You can figure out if your side business of breeding fish is profitable or not by figuring out how much it costs to run.
Tips for breeding fish for profit
Breed fish that are in high demand.
To maximize your breeding efforts, you must breed fish that are in high demand in order to profit. Breed and sell fish that are in high demand in the fish keeping world.
Breed costly and scarce fish
The term “expensive” refers to the price at which a product or service is sold. These may be more difficult to breed, but the rewards will be greater.
Raising live fish for food
Another good tip for making a profit from breeding fish is to breed live fish food on your own to reduce costs while increasing potential. You will not need to buy food if you breed it yourself, which could save you a lot of money.
If you want to breed fish on your own, consider the following species: These are some of the best breeders who will breed on their own with little effort.
You will also be able to make some profit while doing this, and it does not take a lot of your time to do so. If you want to keep fish at home and raise them on your own, breeding is a great way to do so.